How to create a blog on blogger
To create a blog on blogger you just need to have email I'd on If you don't have email I'd create now on after doing that go to create new account. Pick a unique domain name. If you want “.com" domain name you can purchase that one. Select a theme that's it now your blog is ready.
Starting a blog is the easiest way to share your ideas and expertise with the world. And if you want to use it to promote your business or make money from it. You can promote your business or make money straight from the blog.
Being a blogger is one of the easiest way to earn money from home. Unlike any other job, if you are blogging from home. You do not need to work 9 to 12 hours. You can work any time you like. But blogging takes time to make money but you got approved by Google AdSense no one can stop you from making money.
Suitable for - people who love to write would like to share their knowledge and expertise with the world.
Skills required for blogging, ability to knowledge in writing with simpler yet effective way.
Time required for starting a blog, the time depends upon your level of expertise if you are an expert if you are an expert you can easily start a blog within five minutes.
Tips to start a blog, start a blog about something in which you are really good at. For example, if you love travelling and you have travelled a lot of places then start a travel, if you want to share your knowledge with the world then start blog about tutorials.
Always try to limit your blog to a particular domain. Don't put content about multiple domains in one blog. For example writing about recipe tips on a fashion blog. Keep your blog specific to one domain only.
Using your experience and expertise, try to create a very unique and phenomenal content.
Try to give a lot of value to your readers. Write about something that will make a different in your reader's life.
Listen to the readers of your blog. Try to solve the problems they are facing. Always reply to their comments. Make them feel better.
Be committed to your blog. A blog is like a relationship. Give it some love and it will flourish. Ignore it and it will die and death. There is no point in being half hearted in your blogging efforts, if you do not care about it, why should anyone else ?
Think about content style, tone of voice and audience etc. Loot at the people who already do what you are planning to do. Ask yourself the following question, how will I stand out from the crowd ? What can I say that has not already been said ? What is my unique selling point ? Why do I want to do this ?
Be professional in the way you handle and grow your blog. Do not criticise other brands, blogger or people. Remember what goes around or come around.
Be open minded and willing to collaborate with other creativites. You will meet some fantastic and awesome inspiring people.
How much does a blog cost ?
You might be wondering, will it cost tons of money to start a blog?
The short answer is no. You can even create a blog for free.
If you want “.com" domain name then it will cost around $ 10.
How to monetize
Monetization is very simple, just make more people to buy the product through affiliate link. Create a Facebook page or banner ads with the aim promoting product. Tell people how the product will help them to solve their problems. Improve people knowledge about the domain and help them to solve other related problem.
You can make money from AdSense one if Google AdSense approved your blog.
To create a blog on blogger you just need to have email I'd on If you don't have email I'd create now on after doing that go to create new account. Pick a unique domain name. If you want “.com" domain name you can purchase that one. Select a theme that's it now your blog is ready.
Starting a blog is the easiest way to share your ideas and expertise with the world. And if you want to use it to promote your business or make money from it. You can promote your business or make money straight from the blog.
Being a blogger is one of the easiest way to earn money from home. Unlike any other job, if you are blogging from home. You do not need to work 9 to 12 hours. You can work any time you like. But blogging takes time to make money but you got approved by Google AdSense no one can stop you from making money.
Suitable for - people who love to write would like to share their knowledge and expertise with the world.
Skills required for blogging, ability to knowledge in writing with simpler yet effective way.
Time required for starting a blog, the time depends upon your level of expertise if you are an expert if you are an expert you can easily start a blog within five minutes.
Tips to start a blog, start a blog about something in which you are really good at. For example, if you love travelling and you have travelled a lot of places then start a travel, if you want to share your knowledge with the world then start blog about tutorials.
Always try to limit your blog to a particular domain. Don't put content about multiple domains in one blog. For example writing about recipe tips on a fashion blog. Keep your blog specific to one domain only.
Using your experience and expertise, try to create a very unique and phenomenal content.
Try to give a lot of value to your readers. Write about something that will make a different in your reader's life.
Listen to the readers of your blog. Try to solve the problems they are facing. Always reply to their comments. Make them feel better.
Be committed to your blog. A blog is like a relationship. Give it some love and it will flourish. Ignore it and it will die and death. There is no point in being half hearted in your blogging efforts, if you do not care about it, why should anyone else ?
Think about content style, tone of voice and audience etc. Loot at the people who already do what you are planning to do. Ask yourself the following question, how will I stand out from the crowd ? What can I say that has not already been said ? What is my unique selling point ? Why do I want to do this ?
Be professional in the way you handle and grow your blog. Do not criticise other brands, blogger or people. Remember what goes around or come around.
Be open minded and willing to collaborate with other creativites. You will meet some fantastic and awesome inspiring people.
How much does a blog cost ?
You might be wondering, will it cost tons of money to start a blog?
The short answer is no. You can even create a blog for free.
If you want “.com" domain name then it will cost around $ 10.
How to monetize
Monetization is very simple, just make more people to buy the product through affiliate link. Create a Facebook page or banner ads with the aim promoting product. Tell people how the product will help them to solve their problems. Improve people knowledge about the domain and help them to solve other related problem.
You can make money from AdSense one if Google AdSense approved your blog.