Make money from your phone apps [How to make money with smartphone]
Today we are going to discuss about how to make money with smartphone in easiest way. This is very useful for those who want to start online business. You can earn by performing daily tasks, watching videos, playing games, downloading apps, doing survey, online shopping, referring friends etc. Make money from your phone apps. Here you can earn good money with your smartphone.

Easiest way to make money
Make Money With Your Smartphone

There are many mobile applications for you to earn some good money. Now make money from your phone apps. Here we are going to introduce to you about the four best apps to make money from your phone.

1. Cashpirate Make and Earn Money

2. Star Money Free Paytm Cash

3. Orange Cash

4. Giftpanda

1. Cashpirate Make and Earn Money is the mobile application wich help you to earn upto $ 5 per month. If you refer your friends and they joined through your referral link then you can earn lots of money with this app. The more you refer your friends more money you will earn. There are 2 levels. Level 1 means the person who joined from your referral link. Level 2 is the person who joined from your referred friend's link. You can earn 10% from level 1 and 5% from your level 2.

Make money with smartphone
Earn Money With Cashpirate

How to use Cashpirate App

A. Install the app then register with your email and put referral code UEHGOY. Without referral code you can not join Cashpirate.

B. Now you are on dashboard, here you will find some tasks to install. Install apps and earn points. You will find lots of tasks on Cashpirate dashboard. When you reach 2500 points. You can redeem those points to your PayPal Account.

C. Invite your friends and earn 10% when you perform tasks on Cashpirate App. Read Cashpirate Make and Earn Money complete explanation.

2. Star Money is the another mobile app which gives Paytm or PayPal cash for completing tasks. Star Money also similar to Cashpirate.

How to make money with smartphone
Perform Tasks Earn With Star Money

A. Download and sign up with your email put referral code GpzCp9

B. Open dashboard complete the offers given to earn points. You can withdraw when you reach 200 through Paytm.

C. Invite your friends and earn 10% from your level 1 friends. You can earn upto level 2.

3. Orange Cash is the mobile app with this app you can earn some good money. Here you can perform tasks every 8 hours for 25 credits. When you reach 2000 points you can redeem to your PayPal or Paytm Account.

How to make money with Android Apps
Orange Cash

A. Install and register with your email and put referral code 173746

B. Open the app click three horizontal line menu then click on Free Data and complete tasks. You can perform tasks every 8 hours for 25 credits.

C. Watch videos and earn.

D. Invite your friends and earn some points.

4. Giftpanda is the final app in this list to make some amount of money. You can earn by performing daily tasks, shopping, recharges and playing games.

How to make money with Android phone

A. Install and register with your email and put referral code QCKXNG

B. Earn money when you shop online.

C. Earn money when you perform tasks.

D. Earn money when you play games

E. Earn money when your friend joined from your referral link.
Cash Pirate - Make & Earn Money ( Introduction and how to use it review )
Cash Pirate - Make & Earn Money is a Mobile Application which gives PayPal cash for completing tasks. Tasks are very simple anyone can complete it.

Best Android Apps to make money
Cashpirate Make and Earn Money

With CashPirate you can easily earn some good amount of money!

How to use cashpirate?

Step 1

Open Playstore then download Cashpirate App, register with your email. Put referral code YMXFOS

Step 2

Open Cashpirate App then Cashpirate will give you some tasks for you to complete. When you reach 2500 points you can redeem to your PayPal Account.

Cashpirate make money using mobile
Cashpirate Top Offer

Click install app it will redirect you to play store or if you want to see more offer click show offers. Once you installed the app Cashpirate will track you then open the app.

Cashpirate make and earn money
Cashpirate tracked your installation

Once your installation is tracked you can open your installed app that's it.

Step 3

Invite your friends and earn when your friend completed the tasks. There are two levels 1. Level 1 and 2. Level 2. Level 1 means the person who joined from your referral link directly and level 2 is the person who joined from your referred friend. You can earn 10% from level 1 and 5% from level 2. The more you refer your friends more money you will earn.

Cashpirate Make and Earn Money is the best mobile application to earn some good amount of money. It is very easy to use. You can earn upto $ 5 every month. The best way to earn money with Cashpirate is refer and earn. You can earn unlimited money if you refer unlimited people. The more you refer more money you will earn.

You can earn money by
• Downloading free apps
• Trying free games
• Inviting friends and get at least 10% of their earnings as bonus
• Completing surveys
• Free product trials
• Watching videos
and more...

Install Now Enter my referral code "YMXFOS" at signup. You get +50% coins for the first 1000 coins you earn (= 500 coins bonus) and can start making money right away.

Cashpirate is really simple to MAKE FREE MONEY! 

Cash Pirate gives you the most advanced referral system:
Earn even more money by inviting your friends. 
Just send your invite code via Mail, Short Message, WhatsApp or Facebook to your friends and receive:

• 10% of all your referrals' coins
• 5% of all coins of any of your referrals' referrals 

This way you will make even more and faster money and you can set yourself higher goals with higher payouts, better gift cards, or more balance on your mobile.

Your coins can be cashed out through PayPal, different Gift Cards or mobile recharge.

How to make free money / earn free money by using CashPirate:
• Download the App and register with your email address
• Complete any offers you like. Watch out for tips of the day and special offers!
• Invite friends to make even more money

• When you made at least 2.500 coins, you can request a payout via Paypal, receive gift cards by mail or opt for mobile recharge!
Make money with Slidejoy - Lock Screen Cash
Now earn money when you unlock your phone with Slidejoy - Lock Screen Cash

Slidejoy is a mobile application which gives cash when you unlock your phone. Slidejoy is a legitimate company and they have already paid many peoples over the years.

You may wonder how slidejoy could effort to pay for just sliding lock screen? The fact is companies pay money to slidejoy for showing their advertisements. This app doesn't make you rich but you can earn some money from it just by unlocking your phone.

How to earn money from slidejoy

Everytime you unlock your phone you will get a card with advertisements on your lock screen. Slide up on your lock screen to see more advertisements , slide right on your lock screen to unlock, slide left on your lock screen to get more information on the content, and slide down on your lock screen to access your notifications and app shortcut menu. To make money with slidejoy you just need to slide on your lock screen to unlock, you do not have to slide left, take a survey, tab for money, download an app. Just do anything other than to use your phone as you normally do. It doesn't matter how often do you slide to unlock your phone, slidejoy gives 10 carats everyday. The minimum payout balance $ 2 or 2000 carats.
Sign up here with your email or facebook to get bonus points then download it on play store.


A positive thing with slidejoy is that their cashout limit is as low as $ 2. However, it means that you need to earn 2000 carats.

There are several ways you can cash out you can cashout through PayPal, Amazon gift card, or other online stores.
Champcash mobile app networking company (Champcash digital India)
What is Champcash ?

Champcash is a mobile application networking company from Champion Network Pvt Ltd,  Champcash is very famous app networking company in India it is the only one company in networking which is giving unlimited money without investment. You can earn money in many different ways with champcash. You can earn upto level 7 with Champcash app.

Champcash Digital India

Now Champcash launched worldwide in 238 countries. Champcash is a mobile app which gives you earning for downloading apps, watching videos, referring friends, shopping and more. You can earn upto level 7 with this app. Champcash is basically a network marketing concept and  most of your earning will depend upon how many people you are getting to join in this program.

Champcash is an Indian based company named Champion Networks Pvt Ltd.

Champcash is available on Google play store download it from here
Sponsor ID 5431412

How it works ?

First of all, download Champcash App download here sign up with Champcash and register put sponsor I'd 5431412

After completing this you will be asked to complete the challenges for activation, to complete the challenges you have to download 8 - 9 Apps in Champcash after installation you have to open for one minute each app you have installed earlier and it takes 20 minutes to complete activation when you done these you will be activated and you will receive $ 1 joining bonus. If you don not like the apps you can uninstall it after activation.

A challenge is nothing but a set of tasks that you have to complete in order to receive payments.

How to earn money ?

There are several ways to earn money from Champcash :

1. Earn money by completing tasks, a task can be watching videos, downloading apps and more. Similar to challenges you can find hundreds of apps on daily basis that you can install and make money. You can see how many points you will be getting. If you do not have sufficient space in your mobile then you can remove after getting points.

2. Earn money by online shopping, If you want to purchase something online from Amazon, Flipkart, Shopclues, Paytm etc then go through your champcash app. You can buy any item any price you like and earn commission. Buy through the champcash app and get commission when your product successfully delivered. Not only this if your referred friend purchase any product then you also get commission like this you can earn upto level 7.

3. Earn money by recharge or paying bills, you can earn by paying bills and recharge just go through the champcash app then pay bills and recharge in order to get commission.

4. By referring people with your refer id, referring people is the best way to earn money from Champcash. Eg : if A refers B, B refers C, C refers D, D refers E, E refers F, F refers G upto level 7 you can earn money. Not only this when your referred friend do online shopping, recharge, download and refer friends then you also make money.

So there are 4 ways to make money from Champcash.

How to withdraw money ?

You can withdraw when your earning money reaches $ 5
You can withdraw your earning money direct to your bank account.

Sponsor I'd 5431412
Download Champcash Now
Do You Make Money Using Android / iOS Apps? [ 10 mobile applications to make some money ]
Top 10 esiest way to earn money with Android or iOS Apps which gives Paytm or Paypal Cash for completing daily tasks.These are the easiest way to make money with smartphone.

1. Cash For Video

2. Money Machine

3. Pocket Money 

4. Champcash 

5. Slide Joy

6. Make Money 

7. BancRecharge

8. Wow App

9. Cash It

10. Earn Cash

Cash For Video 

Cash For Video is one of the best mobile application to earn some money with your smartphone. If you haven't try this app, try it now. This is the highest paying app and it is sponsored by Exaltare Mobile Apps. There are plenty of apps on playstore but cash for video is one of the best app. If you really want to make money using apps then download cash for video.

How you can Earn Money :

1. There are total 8 video channels to watch. For each one video you watch you get 1 credit for each video.

2. Refer your friends and earn when they put your referral code. For each friend you get 50 credits.

3. Perform daily tasks. To perform daily tasks you must ask app support team then they will tell you how to do it. For each tasks you get 100 credits.

4. Grab special offer. Ask app support team they will send you special offer for you. For each special offer you get 250 credits.

5. Open the app and get daily bonus. You will get daily bonus everyday when you open the app.

How can you get rewards from cash for video :

You can redeem your points once you reach 1000 points. You can redeem your points through

1. PayPal Cash ( Global Users)
2. Amazon Gift Cards ( Global Users)
3. Paytm Cash ( Indian Users)
4. Flipkart Gift Cards ( Indian Users)

Install Here
Use Reffersl Code 464909 to get 50 Credits

Money Machine

Money Machine is very similar to cash for video it is the another product of Exaltare Mobile App. Here you have 4 video channels to watch each video give 1 credit that's very less. You can perform daily tasks for 100 points but you cannot perform speacial offer in this app. This App also one of the best app on playstore to make money. This is a new way to earn money with your android device.

How to earn credits :

1. There are 4 Video Offers to watch for playing each video you get 1 credit. Points are very less so don't watch the video it just waste your time

2. The best way to earn points is perform daily tasks for 100 points.

3. Dowload apps from app offer there are 6 App Offers.

4. Do Survey. You can earn lots of points if you are good in doing survey. But most of the user failed to do it.

4. Refer your friend. When your put your referral code you get 50 credits.

Install Here
Put Invitation Code 664368 to get 50 Credits

Pocket Money

The best way to earn money with pocket money app is use pocket money if your smartphone is new. With new smartphone you can earn lots of money with pocket money app. You can earn with your old smartphone also but you get less money.

Because you have to download apps through pocket money app in order to earn money. Pocket money pays when you install new app through pocket money app. And it doesn't pay for the app if you have installed before.

Pocket Money is the app which gives cash for downloading apps. This app gives upto Rs. 100 for downloading per app. Some app need to keep 7 to 10 days to received full amount. When you reach Rs. 20 you can redeem Paytm cash. Within 10 seconds you will received the amount in your Paytm.

How to earn :

1. Rs. 1 daily bonus everyday when you install first app of the day

2. Earn by downloading apps.

3. Earn on incoming calls by setting up ringtones.

4. Earn by inviting friends.

5. Participate daily contest and earn.

6. Earn money for watching videos.
Install Here


Champcash is number one android app in India which is 100% free networking application in which anyone can earn unlimited real money. You get income by online shopping, installing apps, income junction and inviting friends. You also get money when your reffered friend does shopping, installing apps, income junction and inviting friends. The most amazing thing about this app is you get commission upto level 7.

How to register on Champcash :

1. Download & Install
2. Open & Click on sign up
3. Enter sponsor ID 5431412
4. Complete the challenge by installing 8 to 9 apps
5. Open installed app for atleat 1 - 2 minutes or you can minimise installed app
6. After installing all apps, you are on home page

Register Here
Put sponsor id 5431412

Slide Joy

Slide Joy is an android app which gives cash for sliding lock screen. Slide Joy lets you make money to check trending news and to unlock your lock screen. Reddeem them to your PayPal account or gift card.

To earn money with slide joy is very easy. But it takes time for $ 2 you have to wait 7 months. I hate this app. But if you want to see you can use it.

How it works :

Once you registered on Slide Joy everytime you unlock your phone you will get a card wih news
Register Here

Make Money

Earn real money by completing few tassks inside this app. Easily make free money by watching videos, downloading apps, completing survey, giving opinion, testing services, endorsement, free trials and daily bonus.

Make Money is not trusted app it gives cash when you redeem for the first time later it stopped giving money.

How does it work

1. Complete taskks to accumulate credit reward. The tasks are watching videos, downloading apps, completing survey and many more

2. Another way to earn is refer your friend, share on Facebook etc

Install Now
Put this refer id B1YZO6 to get reward


BancRecharge is one of the worst app it doesn't give you any money so please don't use this app.

Now BancRecharge changed their name to Light. On Google play store rating are good and people comments also very good but in reality they are fraud.
BancRecharge App gives you free paytm cash, free paypal cash and gift card.

How it works :

1. Open everyday and earn with daily bonus
2. Watch videos
3. Download apps

Install Here
Put invitation code 231f3468


First of all, I thought wowapp is the best app to earn money. But it takes time for $ 1 you have to work 1 year this is useless for making money.

Wowapp is also like WhatsApp and sometimes it is better than WhatsApp. You can chat, video call or voice call without any cost. In wowapp you can do shopping, playing games etc. You can do lots of things in this app. For doing all these they give money. If you want you can join by clicking below. But I personally don't like wowapp.

Register Here

Make Money Using Android/iOS App [ Earn money with your smartphone ]
“There are many Android/iOS Apps on Google play store for making money but most the apps are found scams, only few are legit. Here best Android Apps for making money. "

1. WowApp - Earn, Share, Do Good
WowApp is a FREE revolutionary platform that allows you to earn as a result of your daily activities. Once you have earned real money with WowApp, the choice is yours: you can either cash out for yourself or choose to do good for others by donating to one of the nearly 2,000 supported charities, in over 110 countries.
Truthful to our mission statement, we ourselves share 70-80% of our net revenues with our members!  We are thus trying to build a more equitable world that would put a stop to the insane income inequality in our world.

Now, the 62 wealthiest people in the world have more wealth than 3,678,500,000 (3,678 Billion) people; yes that’s right: 62 people own more than 50% of the world’s population combined.
And, the top 1% richest people today own more than all the other 99%!
Based on the Wowism ideology, WowApp was born as a solution to this problem.
Our logo is a visual reminder of our attempt to initiate a movement that transfers wealth from those who don’t need it to those who need it. We do this by introducing a New Sharing Economy where the MAJORITY of economic benefit is shared with the community.
Inside the new WowApp sharing economy, you can earn from the many activities that you were doing before for free. With WowApp you can earn from:

CHAT:     simply by keeping in touch with your friends
GAMES:  by playing your favorite games
TALK:     by giving you cashback if you need to make paid calls at super low rates
LOCK SCREEN: just by opening your phone
SHOPPING ONLINE: by earning a cashback when purchasing from more than 5,000 online shops, worldwide

We’re constantly working on adding more income generating opportunities for you, so join us today and start earning what’s rightfully yours.

WowApp is free! Our community members do not pay anything in order to earn.

And most importantly, every day you use WowApp, you do good in the world because a part of your daily earnings from each activity is automatically donated to the charity of your choice. Imagine a world where each and every one of us is a benefactor every single day!
The power is in your hands. Join the WowApp community Join Now.

2. Slide Joy - Lock Screen Cash
Slidejoy lets you make money to check trending news and to unlock your lock screen! Slidejoy pays you in cash or rewards you in gift cards to have trending news and ads on your lock screen. Redeem cash rewards to your PayPal account or gift card rewards to your favorite retailers/brands. You can even donate the money you make from Slidejoy to give cash to charity! Make extra money online by downloading our free lock screen app today! 

How it Works

Once you register on Slidejoy, every time you unlock your phone, you will get a card with news or a promotion on your lock screen.
‐Slide UP on your lock screen to see more news
‐Slide RIGHT on your lock screen to unlock your phone and go to your home screen
‐Slide LEFT on your lock screen to get more information on the content
‐Slide DOWN on your lock screen to access your notifications and app shortcut menu

To make money with Slidejoy, you DO NOT have to slide left, take a survey, tap for money, download an app, or do anything other than to use your phone as you normally do. You also don't receive more or less for engaging with the ads. Yes, it’s that SIMPLE. 

Slidejoy is an award-winning lock screen app that has been featured on the Today Show, Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, CNBC, Business Insider, Fox and more. Our team is always looking for extra ways to keep our users happy, so feel free to send us feedback and make your way to our Facebook Page. 

-Get money to see news and ads on an intelligent lock screen
-Make it easier to check your notifications and favorite apps on your lock screen, all while making money
-Receive Carats and redeem them for real money or gift cards
-Enjoy trending news and timely ads on your lock screen 
-News, deals and ads on the lock screen are tailored to your preferences
-Money you make is updated daily the next day
-Slidejoy provides you with 12 additional redemption options to make money or receive gift cards, just for unlocking your phone!
-Quick, fast cash payments 

What Can You Do With Your Lock Screen Rewards? 
Keep it and cash your Carats out for money on PayPal or gift cards.


Make a gift and give cash to great causes.

‐How many Carats do I need before I can redeem them? 
Once you earn 2,000 Slidejoy Carats, you can cash out or gift the money to charity (after you’ve used Slidejoy for one month). 1,000 Carats is equal to $1.

‐When do I get paid? 
You get paid the money you make for unlocking every month and can cash out via PayPal, gift card or donate the money to a charity.

-Will Slidejoy drain my battery?
Short answer, no. Long answer, absolutely not. Our lock screen is just that, a lock screen and doesn’t take up extra battery.
Sign Up Here

3. Pocket Money - Free Recharge & Paytm Cash

Earn FREE Mobile Recharge and Paytm Cash with Pocket Money! Avail some of our attractive offers & get free mobile recharge & Paytm Cash on Pocket Money, the free recharge app! Now earn through your smartphone and pay all your bills, avail cab rides, book movie tickets, shop, etc. all for FREE!
Install the Pocket app today and complete offers to avail:

• Free Mobile recharge
• Cash in your Paytm Wallet
• Invite friends and family to download the app to earn Recharge and Paytm Cash
• Pay Prepaid, Postpaid bills, DTH services and/or data charges
• Exclusive cash back & discounts

The No. 1 Free Mobile Recharge App for discovering some of the best Android apps, Cash-back coupons & Ringtones. Over 6 million users have availed free mobile recharge worth crores using the Pocket Money app. So download the app now and start earning Free Recharge and Free Paytm Cash Instantly!

How can you earn ₹ 7,000 worth of mobile recharges and Paytm Cash every month?

• Visit the app daily to avail new offers
• Earn Daily Bonus on your 1st app download
• Earn on incoming calls by setting up ringtones
• Get cashback & discounts by availing offers
• Earn by inviting friends
• Participate in our weekly contests to earn More and WIN Great Prizes!
• Fill in surveys or do fun tasks to earn more rewards

You can also save money with exclusive discounts & cash back on e-commerce, food, entertainment and travel by visiting our coupons and nearby offers section!

Free Paytm cash earned with the Pocket Money App can be used to:

- Avail free cab rides using Paytm cash with leading cab service providers
- Book movie tickets for free using Paytm Cash
- Free Shopping, on Paytm
- Order food for free from food based apps
- Buy music for free from apps
- Book Free train tickets using Paytm cash
- Shop for products across apps

Free mobile recharge is available for

Airtel , Aircel , Vodafone , Idea , BSNL , Reliance GSM , Tata Docomo , Uninor , Videocon Loop , Mobile & MTNL

4. Champcash Money Free
Champcash is a free money earning application in which referchampcash to your friends and earn unlimited by it. To earn limitless money, you just need to install the app and sign up in it, complete the sign-up challenge then refer and earn and become a millionaire. The app doesn't cost anything, it is 100% free of charge. You can withdraw the earned money to yourPaypal/Bank account. Also, you can redeem money asmobile recharge and e-gift voucher. Champcash is the one and only networking company that don't take any money from you like others. It is generating money from the advertisers and paying you. Others are money circulation companies, they first take some amount from you and then pays you. 
SPONSOR ID 5431412.